Harrisons Blog

How Do I Get My Podcast Found: Effective Strategies for Visibility

Written by Harrison Baron | Mar 25, 2023 3:34:02 PM

Are you ready to share your story with the world?

Creating a podcast is an excellent way to share your thoughts, experiences, and expertise with the world. However, with the rapidly growing number of podcasts available, it can be challenging for creators to make their podcasts easily discoverable by their target audience. To help your podcast stand out from the crowd and increase its visibility, it is crucial to understand the various techniques and platforms that can contribute to your show's overall success.

One critical aspect of making your podcast more discoverable is getting your show listed on popular podcast platforms, such as Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.

At this point everyone has a podcast app on their phone or can easily get one. There are millions of podcasts online and tons of podcast creators. 

The greatest part of them all is they all have a search bar, and optimizing your podcast's metadata, such as titles, descriptions, and keywords, will help search engines better understand your content and make it more likely for potential listeners to find your show when searching for topics related to your podcast. 

In this blog, I will be covering every method I and many of the other podcasts in the top 5% online are utilizing that the other 95% aren't. There are plenty of podcast listeners around the world. This blog will help spark your next idea on getting your podcast more visible online.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is an audio show that can be listened to on demand. It’s like a radio show, except you don’t need a radio to listen. The nicest part is that the sound quality is better than the radio, and most shows have only a few ads!

Podcasts are digital files that are available for download via the internet. They typically contain interviews, stories, and/or educational content. Most people listen to podcasts using their smartphone or tablet with either an app or website where they can subscribe and get new episodes as soon as they’re released.

Podcasting is an easy way to stay up-to-date with trends and topics in your industry while providing educational content for your audience. It’s also a great way to connect with people worldwide who share similar interests.

Many shows have their own podcast genre, and other shows choose to be a part of a podcast library. There are millions of shows and thousands of ways to listen.

What are the Benefits of Podcasting?

Podcasting is a great way to stay informed and connected with your industry while entertaining and educating listeners. Not only does it provide you with an opportunity to reach new potential customers, but it can also help build relationships with existing ones.

Podcasts are a great way to get the word out about your business and create brand awareness. They also allow you to establish yourself as an expert in your field by providing valuable content that helps people understand what you do and why it matters.

In addition, podcasting can be a powerful marketing tool for entrepreneurs who want to reach new customers and keep their current ones engaged. Through podcasts, businesses can build relationships with their audience by providing helpful advice, stories, and insights into their industry.

It’s also a great way to showcase products or services that you offer in an engaging way that will resonate with listeners. 

Overall, podcasting offers many benefits for both entrepreneurs and listeners alike. It’s an incredible platform for connecting with people from all over the world who share similar interests, while building relationships that could lead to more business opportunities down the line. So if you’re looking for a way to increase brand awareness and establish yourself as an expert in your field – podcasting may be the answer!

How Do I Get My Podcast Found?

Getting your podcast found can seem like an overwhelming task, but it doesn't have to be! The key is creating content people want to listen to and share.

This means focusing on interesting and relevant topics to your audience, creating engaging titles for each episode, and using effective keywords in the description.

Additionally, you can use social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram to promote each new episode and reach out to influencers for help in spreading the word.

Finally, consider submitting your podcast to iTunes or other podcast directories so listeners can easily find you. With a bit of effort and creativity, you should have no problem getting your podcast noticed!

The Basics of Getting Your Podcast Found

You don't need to be a marketing expert to get your podcast found – all you need is a bit of creativity and effort!

The key is to create content that people want to listen to and share. I can not stress this enough. Everything in this blog is proven to work but if you're podcast isn't amazing to the point where you create raving fans, not much else matters.

Make sure each episode has an interesting, relevant title, and include effective keywords in the description.

You can also use social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to promote each episode and reach out to influencers to help spread the word. Finally, get your podcast listed on iTunes or other podcast directories so listeners can easily find it. With a bit of dedication, you should have no problem getting your podcast noticed!

Having a great podcast is only the first step – getting it noticed is just as important! If you want your podcast to stand out, ensure you have an effective name, keywords and description.

Next up, we'll discuss how to choose the perfect name for your podcast that will help draw in listeners.

Choosing the Right Name for Your Podcast

Choosing the right name for your podcast is one of the most important steps in getting it noticed. After all, it’s what potential listeners are going to see first! A good name should be catchy and memorable but also accurately reflect the content of your podcast. Try to come up with a few different options and ask friends or family for their opinions before making a final decision. If possible, make sure that your chosen name is available as an exact match domain – this will help you stand out from other podcasts and make it easier for people to find you online. Once you've settled on a name, get creative with branding and visuals – these can help build anticipation around each episode and draw in new listeners. With a bit of thought and effort, choosing the perfect name for your podcast can be an enjoyable process!

Creating an Appealing Description for Your Podcast

Creating an appealing description for your podcast is just as important as choosing the right name. This is your opportunity to explain what listeners can expect from each episode and why they should tune in. Your description should be concise and easy to understand, but also include enough detail to pique people's interest. Focus on the topics you cover, any special guests you have, and any unique aspects that set your podcast apart from others in the genre. If you're targeting a specific audience, emphasize how each episode will benefit them or give them something new to think about. And don't forget to add an image or logo; this will help create a strong sense of identity and encourage people to check out your podcast!

Defining Your Target Audience and Niche

Defining your target audience and niche is essential for having a successful podcast. Every episode should be tailored to your target audience, so it's important to know who they are, what topics interest them, and why they should listen to your show.

Start by brainstorming the demographic of people you want to reach – consider age range, gender, location, interests, and other key factors – then research what content is popular in that particular niche.

Once you've identified your target audience and chosen a genre that speaks to them, it's time to get creative and develop topics that will engage listeners. As you plan out each episode, think about making it as specific as possible while keeping it interesting enough for new listeners. It's also a good idea to craft episode titles and upcoming episodes in advance. This helps with creator's block an lets you get creative with a mouthwatering podcast description.

With a well-defined target audience and niche in place, you'll have greater success finding your podcast!

Optimize Your Podcast Title and Description

One of the most important factors in finding your podcast is having a title and description that accurately represents your content and uses relevant keywords. Here are a few tips to optimize your podcast title and description:

  • Be descriptive: Your title and description should clearly and accurately describe what your podcast is about. This will help listeners find your podcast when searching for specific topics.
  • Use relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your title and description to help your podcast appear in search results. Avoid keyword stuffing, as this can harm your search rankings.
  • Keep it concise: Your title and description should be concise and to the point. Avoid using long, drawn-out descriptions that may turn off potential listeners.

By following these simple tips, you can optimize your podcast title and description to help it get found by more listeners. Remember to keep your content relevant and engaging, as this will ultimately be what keeps listeners coming back for more.

Creating Quality Content That Appeals to Listeners

Creating quality content that appeals to listeners is key when it comes to growing your podcast audience.

I know I am beating a dead horse here but once again. If your podcast isn't amazing, the rest will be a struggle. Your goal should be to create entertaining, informative, and engaging content for your listeners. This means providing them with interesting topics, relevant information, and a variety of perspectives on the subject matter.

Make sure you're utilizing sound effects, music, and other sound elements to add depth and interest to your podcast episodes.

Finally, always strive for clarity in every episode – use simple language when possible to make your message easy to understand. By creating content of the highest quality and keeping things interesting for your audience, you'll be well on your way to building a successful podcast!

Strategically Uploading Episodes to Maximize Visibility

Getting your podcast out into the world is just as important as creating quality content. One of the most effective ways to maximize visibility is to strategically upload episodes on various platforms, such as iTunes and Spotify.

Start by uploading your episodes in one place, then share a link to that episode on other platforms. This ensures that all of your listeners have access to each episode, regardless of where they're listening from. Additionally, try to vary the release times for each episode – for instance, releasing them at different times throughout the week or month – so that more people can find and listen to your podcast.

Finally, use keywords when describing each episode so it's easier for potential listeners to discover your podcast through search engines. By following these tips, you'll be able to maximize visibility and reach a larger audience with your podcast!

Guest Appearances and Cross-Promotion

One of the most effective ways to get your podcast found is through guest appearances and cross-promotion. This involves appearing as a guest on other podcasts and promoting your own podcast at the end of the episode. It also involves partnering with other podcasters to advertise each other's shows.

There are plenty of platforms that you use to find guests like matchmaker.fm or facebook groups like Be a guest or 

Guest appearances are a great way to reach a new audience and gain credibility in your niche. When you appear as a guest on another podcast, you have the opportunity to share your expertise and promote your podcast to a new audience. This can lead to new subscribers and a boost in your overall listenership.

Cross-promotion is another effective way to get your podcast found. This involves partnering with other podcasters to advertise each other's shows. This can be done through shoutouts in episodes or on social media, being a guest on each other's podcasts, or even co-hosting episodes together. By cross-promoting, you can reach a wider audience and gain new subscribers.

When reaching out to potential partners for guest appearances or cross-promotion, be sure to research and find podcasts relevant to your niche. Write a friendly email introducing yourself and suggesting that you cross-promote each other's podcasts. Mention how much you like their show and add some concrete details like your audience numbers, niche, engagement, etc.

Remember, guest appearances and cross-promotion are not a one-time deal. It's important to continue building relationships with other podcasters in your niche and finding new opportunities to collaborate. By doing so, you can continue to grow your audience and get your podcast found by new listeners.

Include Relevant Keywords in Show Notes

To improve the discoverability of your podcast, it's essential to include relevant keywords in your show notes. This involves doing research about the topics, people, and content in your podcast episodes and finding related keywords that can be used on your show note pages. Podcasts often rank well for guest names, which can attract more listeners searching for specific people to listen to, allowing you to benefit from your guests' brands (Kim Herrington).

Start by identifying the main topic of your episode and the search intent behind it. For example, if your episode is about "How Faraday Cages Work," you can use SEO-friendly keywords related to Faraday cages and their functionality(Riverside.FM). List down the most relevant keywords and weave them naturally into your show notes without overstuffing them.

Additionally, include links to any external resources, articles, or data mentioned in your episode. This not only gives credit to your sources but also builds your credibility and provides valuable context for your listeners(Buzzsprout). It may also improve your podcast's SEO as search engines can understand the content and context better.

Proper formatting also plays a role in podcast SEO. Organize your show notes with clear headings, bullet points, or tables, as it helps search engines understand the content structure better and makes it more accessible for your audience(Podchaser).

Leverage Social Media

Social media is an excellent tool for promoting your podcast and reaching a wider audience. Here are some tips to help you leverage social media effectively:

  • Choose the right platforms: Not all social media platforms are created equal. Choose the platforms where your target audience is most active. For instance, if your podcast is about business, LinkedIn might be a better platform than Instagram.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to social media. Post regularly and at the same time each day/week. This will help your audience know when to expect new content from you.
  • Engage with your audience: Social media is all about engagement. Respond to comments and messages, ask for feedback, and encourage your audience to share your content.
  • Use hashtags: Hashtags can help your content get discovered by people who are interested in your topic. Use relevant hashtags in your posts and encourage your audience to use them as well.
  • Share behind-the-scenes content: Your audience is interested in getting to know you and your guests. Share behind-the-scenes content, such as photos and videos of your recording process.

Remember, social media is just one tool in your podcast promotion toolkit. Be sure to use it in conjunction with other tactics, such as guest appearances, email marketing, and paid advertising, to get the most out of your podcast promotion efforts.

Promote Your Podcast in Relevant Communities

Getting your podcast found by potential listeners can be accelerated by promoting it in relevant communities. These can include online forums, social media groups, and other platforms where people with similar interests gather.

Ensure that your promotion aligns with the community's guidelines and values, and engage genuinely with the group members. Developing relationships and showcasing your expertise in the subject matter can help generate interest in your podcast.

Participate actively in discussions, answer questions, and offer valuable insights to establish your credibility. Share your podcast episodes strategically by relating them to the ongoing conversations and delivering valuable content to the community.

Some popular platforms where you can find relevant communities include:

  • Reddit – Subreddits focused on specific topics or niches
  • Facebook – Groups centered around various interests and industries
  • LinkedIn – Professional groups and networks
  • Quora – A question-and-answer platform where you can showcase your expertise

Remember to always prioritize providing value to the community members, and avoid spamming or overly promoting your podcast. Building trust and fostering genuine connections will ultimately result in increased visibility and engagement for your podcast.

Leverage Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful strategy to help you grow your podcast audience. By building an email list and sending regular updates, you can keep your audience engaged and informed about your latest episodes and other podcast-related news.

Start by creating an opt-in form or a landing page to collect email addresses from your listeners. You can place this form on your podcast website or share it on your social media accounts. To encourage subscriptions, offer incentives such as exclusive content, bonus episodes, or behind-the-scenes access. Once you have an email list, use it to:

  • Announce new episodes, making sure to include a captivating subject line to grab your subscribers' attention.
  • Provide show notes and relevant links to resources mentioned in your podcast, enhancing the overall listening experience.
  • Invite listeners to participate in special events, like live recordings or Q&A sessions.
  • Share relevant promotions or affiliate offers, generating additional revenue for your podcast.

Segment your email list to tailor content and maximize engagement. For example, you can create separate segments for new subscribers, long-term listeners, or subscribers who have shown interest in a particular topic.

Remember to analyze your email marketing metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By monitoring these metrics, you can refine your email strategy and better understand your audience's preferences and interests.

Optimize Your Website for SEO

Optimizing your website for SEO plays a crucial role in increasing the visibility of your podcast. Creating a dedicated website for your podcast enables search engines to discover, index, and rank your episodes more effectively. To do this, follow these best practices:

Firstly, create engaging and keyword-rich content for your podcast episodes. Include a blog post for each episode, incorporating show notes, episode summaries, timestamps, and key takeaways. This will provide more context for search engines, and help listeners understand what they can expect from the episode. BlakSheep Creative emphasizes the importance of a strong web presence in podcast SEO.

Another effective approach is to transcribe your podcast episodes. Transcripts not only make your content accessible to a larger audience, but they also allow search engines to crawl and understand your content better. You can refer to Rev's guide on boosting SEO with podcast transcription for more information.

Utilize HTML tags to provide structure to your content, such as headings (h1, h2, h3), lists (ul, ol), and tables where appropriate. This will improve the readability of your content, making it more accessible and inviting for readers.

Further, ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for speed. A seamless user experience on various devices can contribute to your site's search engine performance.

Lastly, mark your content as the "source of truth" and publish exclusive material like enhanced show notes, custom pages, or blog posts on your website. This process will establish your site as the original authority for your podcast content, as suggested by Podcastpage.io.

Making Use of Popular Platforms & Directories

Making use of popular platforms and directories is one of the best ways to get your podcast noticed. There are a variety of popular sites, like iTunes and Stitcher, that allow you to upload and promote your podcast. Additionally, some streaming services, such as Spotify and SoundCloud, also have sections for podcasts. Submitting your show to these sites will ensure that it is easily accessible to potential listeners. Furthermore, by submitting your show to podcast-specific directories like Podbean or Blubrry, you can increase visibility and make sure that users can find your show in search engine results. Each platform may have slightly different requirements for how you submit your podcast so make sure to do your research before uploading any files. Once your podcast is accepted in these directories, you can start promoting it online and reaching an even larger audience!

By submitting your podcast to the top directories, you can increase the reach and visibility of your show, making sure it is accessible to as many potential listeners as possible. By taking advantage of platforms like iTunes and Google Play Music, you can get even more exposure for your podcast!

Apple iTunes & Google Play Music

Apple iTunes and Google Play Music are two of the most popular podcast-listening platforms available. Both sites offer a wide selection of podcasts to choose from, so it's important to make sure your show is easy to find. Submitting your podcast to Apple iTunes or Google Play Music ensures that your content is discoverable by users searching for new shows.

When submitting your podcast to Apple iTunes or Google Play Music, be sure that you follow all the requirements for each platform. This includes providing artwork, a description, and the appropriate tags for categorization. Additionally, make sure that you provide the correct feed URL so that users can access your show directly from these platforms. Once your podcast has been verified, it will be added to their directories and made available for download or streaming.

By submitting your podcast to Apple iTunes and Google Play Music, you can increase visibility and make sure that potential listeners know where they can find your content. Take advantage of these platforms today and start reaching an even larger audience!

Stitcher & Overcast

Stitcher and Overcast are two popular podcast-listening apps that make it easy for listeners to discover new audio content. With a wide selection of shows available to choose from, Stitcher and Overcast are great places to submit your podcast so it can be discovered by users.

When submitting your podcast to Stitcher or Overcast, it’s important to provide all the necessary information such as artwork, description, tags, and more. Additionally, you’ll need to submit the correct feed URL in order for users to access your show directly from these platforms. Once verified, your podcast will be added to their directories and become available for download or streaming.

Both Stitcher and Overcast offer their own unique features that make them stand out from other listening apps. For example, Stitcher offers a “station” feature which allows users to create custom playlists with podcasts they like while Overcast has a “smart speed” feature which automatically cuts down on long pauses in audio recordings so you can listen faster without sacrificing quality.

By submitting your podcast to Stitcher or Overcast, you can reach a wider audience and start gaining subscribers today!

Spotify & iHeartRadio TuneIn Radio & Pocket Casts

Spotify and iHeartRadio are both popular streaming services that have dedicated podcast sections. Submitting your podcast to these platforms is a great way to get discovered by new listeners.

When submitting your podcast to Spotify or iHeartRadio, you'll need to provide the necessary information such as artwork, description, tags, and more. Additionally, you'll need to submit the correct feed URL in order for users to access your show directly from these platforms. Once verified, your podcast will be added to their directories and become available for download or streaming.

Both Spotify and iHeartRadio offer unique features that make them stand out from other streaming services. For example, Spotify has an autoplay feature that can automatically start playing related content after each episode finishes while iHeartRadio offers personalized recommendations based on user listening habits.

Submitting your podcast to Spotify and iHeartRadio is a great way to reach a wider audience and increase subscribers count! TuneIn Radio and Pocket Casts are two additional platforms you should definitely consider submitting your podcast too!

Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is crucial to building a loyal following for your podcast. Here are a few ways to engage with your audience:

  • Encourage feedback: Ask your listeners to provide feedback on your podcast. You can do this by asking them to leave a review on Apple Podcasts or by setting up a voicemail line where they can leave their comments and questions.
  • Respond to feedback: When your listeners leave feedback, make sure to respond to it. This shows that you value their opinions and are listening to their feedback.
  • Create a community: Consider creating a Facebook group or other online community where your listeners can connect with each other and with you. This can help build a sense of community and loyalty around your podcast.
  • Offer exclusive content: Consider offering exclusive content to your listeners, such as bonus episodes or behind-the-scenes content. This can help keep your listeners engaged and make them feel like they are part of an exclusive club.

By engaging with your audience, you can build a loyal following for your podcast and increase the chances that your podcast will be found by new listeners. Remember to always value your listeners' feedback and opinions, and to create a community around your podcast that your listeners will want to be a part of.

Monitor Analytics and Improve Content

One crucial aspect of getting your podcast discovered is monitoring analytics to identify areas for improvement in your content. By analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs), you can develop strategies to better engage and grow your audience.

A good starting point is to use Apple Podcasts Analytics, Google Podcast Manager, and Spotify dashboards, along with analytics provided by your podcast host. Understanding metrics like number of listeners, downloads, and drop-off points can help you make informed decisions about your content.

To better serve your audience, consider the following KPIs and improvements:

  • Listener trends: Identify patterns in listener behavior by analyzing spikes or drops in downloads or unique listeners. This can help you pinpoint successful episodes and formats or reveal which topics need refining.
  • Engagement metrics: Measure how much of your episodes are being listened to before listeners skip or drop off. Focusing on reducing drop-off points can lead to higher listener loyalty and overall growth.
  • Subscriber growth: Track the number of subscribers over time to understand if they are returning for more episodes or if they are dropping off after a specific episode or timeframe.
  • Sharing and reviews: Encourage your listeners to share your podcast on social media and leave reviews on various platforms. Positive reviews and word-of-mouth can boost your podcast's visibility in search results and recommendations.

In addition to these key metrics, you can also improve your content by researching industry trends, collaborating with other podcasters, conducting surveys, and integrating user-generated content. Continuously tracking and optimizing your podcast's performance is essential to ensure long-term success and discoverability in the podcast sphere.