Now that you have decided to do a podcast show what’s the next step?
After finding your niche market and how many days you want to broadcast it’s time to get some equipment.
Luckily, all kinds of technology are available that makes doing a podcast easy since all you need is some basic equipment if you are just starting.
Of course, you can always upgrade once your show takes off and you want to invest more in equipment. But rest assured, you can begin with the basics.
Here’s the equipment you’ll need to start a podcast.
A Microphone
If you have a computer, you most likely have a microphone built-in which you can use to record your podcast with its microphone. Keep in mind though, audio quality is one of the most important things when it comes to a podcast. Your audience wants to hear crystal clear sounds, not a show full of background noise, etc. But do invest in a good microphone at some point.
A Computer
A computer is essential to podcasting as you will want to use a digital audio workstation to produce your show. This means using recording and editing software to make the final episode sound cleaner and more professional.
A Mac or PC is fine and the same for a desktop or a laptop.
If you want to purchase a new machine for your podcast setup, consider its memory space, processor, and type of USB ports. For beginner podcasters, computers with 8GB of Random-Access Memory (RAM), some built-in Solid-State Device (SSD) storage, and a triple-core processor will be fine.
Decent headphones are also key in the podcast recording process. Headphones let you hear what’s being recorded and can help catch background noise. This helps you fix it or adjust your position if you’re too muffled or distant while doing the show.
Good headphones also come in handy when doing Skype interviews and in the editing process. Like microphones, there are expensive headphones as well as basics you can use for your podcast shows.
Editing Software
A big success of your podcast comes down to the editing of the show. It’s important to remove background noise, get rid of dead space, add an intro/welcome, etc. To help with editing, you’ll need quality podcast editing software.
Again, there all kind of options available, from top-of-the-line to simple depending on your skill and shows level.
Podcast Hosting Account
You should sign up for a podcast host to upload your podcast and make it readily available to listeners. A good hosting company will make the tech part easier for you to generate and update your podcast RSS feed, and create a website where your podcasts can live.
Extra Tech
These extra pieces of equipment can add to your podcast sounding more professional and the recording process easier.
Pop filter: A pop filter makes it so your Ps and Bs aren’t amplified when speaking into the microphone. You can also take care of this issue by speaking into the side of the mic, but a pop filter reduces the problem.
Boom: A boom can hold the mic and helps with sound quality because it keeps the mic in one place. Also, beneficial as you won’t have to hold the microphone while talking.
Acoustic Options to Consider
Recording in a designated space or area will allow for better audio and a better podcast. This comes down to creating a simple DIY area that eliminates the “ sound of the room” and reduces reverberations.
A few types of acoustic treatments like comforters, full bookcases, rugs, or a closet are all good ways to remove ambient noise.
For beginners, find a closet with a few clothes hanging then shut the door and record. Or go to a quiet room, put a heavy blanket over yourself, then start podcasting.
Whatever your budget there is always podcast equipment you can use and hopefully create a great podcast to attract listeners.